Thursday, April 23, 2009

Aquarium & Zoo

yesterday, all of Mrs.McCoy's class went to the aquarium and the zoo. It was okay. Not good and not that bad. We were at the school around 7.45. We headed to Atlanta. I sat with some girl that I didnt know her name cause we dont have any classes together so I just dont know her name.
We were at the Aquarium. Mrs. McCoy seperated all of students into 2 groups. My group has Min-Zi, Hye- Jin, Seon-Hye, Sunny, Bibiana, Justin, Jacob, Jordan, Yancey, Marina, Drew and Chan. That were all I remember. There was a guid named Eric. He told us bunch of info that I couldnt remember and understand. I saw a huge whale shark. It was the biggest whale shark that I ever seen. they were in a huge tank and I was thinking that If someone falled in there, they would die in a second. anyways, before we left, we just walked around the aquarium. I tought a little sharks and some kind og fish that I dont know their name. their skins were really smooth.
Then we ate at the versity. I hate this place. their frech fried taseted like crap!!! but many people said it was really good so I just shut my mouth and said nothing.
We went to the zoo around 1.15. we got into the conference room and listen the guild talked for an hour I guess. he showed some slide show or an animals pictures. That zoo is really big. Anyways. I just took a picture with a panda and walked around.
I was extremly tired !!!!

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