Thursday, April 16, 2009


Im so sick and tired about the problem in Thailand. I watch CNN last week. A reporter said something like no one will aviod to come to Thailand. Actually, This problem should have done by now. It used to have a yellow shirt who are on the king side or we called people who love the country but now there is a new group of bad people, they wear a red- shirt. They are on Thanksin's side, who used to be the prime minister. I talked with some of my friends in the States about this and we all said that we hate red-shirt people. They are the most selfishest people in the world that I have ever seen. They hurt other people because they just want to get money from Thanksin. They betrayed the king and Queen. By the way, Thanksin paid bunch of money to gain people tp be on his side. The whole problem just came from him and just only him.
I wish this will end as soon as possible.I dont wanna see anyone die from this stupid thing. I hope that every country will not let Thanksin gets in there country. I hope someone will assosinated him........ I hope the next prime minister wont be power hungry as previous one.

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